Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 34 (Monday)-

We finaly got Daisy to work and we took lots of PTMs with it! :)

Day 33 (Friday)-

We had a cookout and played Volleyball

Day 32 (Thursday)-

Ed used my comp to get his Power Point.

Took Pix with Daisy using the Red, Green and Blue Filters.

Blogged some more.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 31 (Wednesday)-

I fixed the Blue filters, I had the wrong one. I put Nadyas arm back together and tried to make a PTM. It didn’t work.
We had our movie lunch and free pizza.

Nadya helped me make a PTM. It still didn’t work. We were trying to make a PTM with the LP file. The LP file just doesn’t work.

We tried to go to Javas but they had closed at 2.

Ev worked in my lab and I left for the pool :)

Day 30 (Tuesday)-

Glued Nadyas arm to mouse pads and made an LP file

Day 29 (Monday)-

We had our meeting.

Nadya and I Looked at her arm, we brainstormed ways to keep the lights in place and I complained about the fabric she put on.

Bethany brought a student around and Nadya showed her our lab.

Nadya told me how to work her program.

Javas and then I left early for a Birthday! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 28 (Friday)-

No one got much done today, it was the RIT Undergrad Resarch & Innovation Symposium day.

I got here and wrote down my week so I wouldent forget what I did when it came time to blog.

There was free food everywhere on campus and we got a Free lunch! It was chineese but it was still okay.

I saw Johnathan and Ashely present. That was interesting :)

We got to go up on the Roof and help on the roof lab! It was alot of fun.

I got more free food and then I left for the day.

Day 27 (Thursday)-

I blogged before the morning meeting.

We all went to the Meeting.

Went on a field trip to Melles Griot. It didn’t take as long as we thought it would so we had an early lunch at some sub place.

I worked on my power point.

Went to Java’s.

Joe and I talked about my power point and how to make an LP file.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 26 (Wednesday)-

I worked on my Power Point before the meeting.

Went to the meeting.

Worked with Nadyas lights and cut out all the filters for them. It looks nice :)

Nadya wanted me to get the color splitter matlab on the apple but it won’t work because it was made for a PC. Then I tried to make a PTM with Nadyas arm but the program stopped before it was done so I tried to stop the program. I restarted the Computer and then I couldn’t log back in as an administrator so that ended that.

We went to lunch, it was an undergrad picnic and we got free food.

Ed and I had to give a tower of out rooms and so I pulled up a PTM to talk about, then they wanted to make one so Ed brought them down to his lab to talk to them and I got Betsy ready (I used the power supply, camera, and camera cord with Nadya's arm.) When they came back the program wasn’t ready to run and I didn’t know how to prep the system because it has always been prepped for me, but Bethany knew and we made them a PTM of a bunch of stuff.

I took a break and hung out with Ed and Halle.

I showed Joe my Power Point and he told me some things I should add. Then he explained how they will capture the UV and IR light waves when they want to use them to make PTMs.

I had a Cookie and Milk.

Looked at the book.

Left for work, again.

Day 25 (Tuesday)-

I worked on my Power Point before the meeting.

After the meeting Joe brought me some Power Points I can take examples from, and to help me explain what a PTM is and why we would want to do this.

I looked at Nadya’s lights on her arm and the filters and tired to find the best way to attach the filters.

I worked on my Power Point with Halle and Ed after lunch.

I took my First trip to Java’s today too. That was cool.

This was a slow day.

Day 24 (Monday)-

I had lots of fun last week, we went to Oak Hill, West Virginia. We worked on painting houses, installing doors, building stairs, ramps, and a roof over one of the decks.

This morning I started off making a power point for my final project, it wasn't much of one. I only had a cover slide and some stuff from the wiki.

We all had our morning meeting.

Looked at my power point again, it wasn’t very helpful.

I played with Nadya’s arm to see how she was doing.

Glenn and I took Pictures with Nadya’s arm. He then explained to me the problem with my Filtered Grayscale Images. The images were 1/3 the size, the same problem as before. Glenn said to make them grayscale and then RGB again so that you have three layers again and not just a Grayscale value (one layer).

Joe came up and we talked about my power point, he wrote out a plan for me so it makes sense to the audience.

We bought Filters for Nadya’s arm. I found the colors we needed and cut them out of the packet.

I went to go see Evelyn for a minute, wrote down my day and then we went to a movie with all the other interns.